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October forecasting.png


Well, a double Libra with a Scorpio stellium may just be the perfect facilitator for this next month ahead Forecast!


October is not slowing down on the Autumnal Season that will bring change to all our lives. Eclipses, Mars in Cancer for what will feel like forever, and Mercury moving forward again. The last lunar cycles have been a trip, and these eclipses will bring us further into sudden endings and also beginnings!


Venus, guiding this season, is traveling thru the depths of Scorpio, where we'll be swimming in the second half of October, feeling the truth of it all.


The final eclipse in Libra (for another 9 years) on October 2, leads us back to a year ago to both - continue the story, and, end a chapter all at once.


Pluto moving back into Capricorn for the last and final time of our lives will harken us back to the story of the deep transformation that has taken place in the Capricorn area of our charts, since 2008. Late Cardinal degrees will once again feel this final push to fully make change that we can only move forward from. The walls have crumbled and now it’s time to rebuild.


There’s a lot that’s unfolding, and much to share about how we can work with it and even use it to our growth and benefit.

All are welcome at the month-ahead forecast, any level of knowledge can be included in our discussion.


*** Upcoming is another Astro 101 that I highly recommend if you are new to the incredible language of this interpretation of the cosmos.

Email to get on the waitlist for this event! ***


Limited seats, RSVP and ticket required. Please arrive 10 min. ahead for coffee/tea/food ordering. 



Purchase tickets online here, or VenMo @mountainheartanimal, or please email for cash pay at event 


Questions: or dm @openseaastrology


Limited seats, RSVP and ticket required. Please arrive by 9:50 am for coffee/tea/food ordering.



Purchase tickets online here, or VenMo @mountainheartanimal,

or please email ahead for cash pay at event.


Questions: or dm @openseaastrology

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